What is grain free dog food?

Seems there should be a simple answer to that.

Dog food without grain in it.

But if you’re interested in keeping a healthy dog, and giving him the best diet
possible then a touch more is required. Perhaps a better question could be.

Why does grain free dog food exist?

Well, for the same reason the Paleo diet exists for humans. We didn’t evolve eating grains, some of us have difficulty digesting them, and it’s the same for dogs. They evolved from wolves, used to a protein rich diet of horse, bison and deer. And although dogs can break down grains more effectively than wolves – many of them still struggle.

Is it genuinely good for your dog?

Well, that depends. If your dog has difficulty digesting their food, or they appear to have issues with allergies, there can be significant benefits of switching to grain free dog food.

It’s often recommended that pregnant dogs switch to grain free dog food too, as it delivers more protein, and the energy required for that particular time of their lives. If you’re in any doubt, it’s always best to consult your vet before making any major dietary changes.

And finally, is it another fad?

That remains to be seen. Dog food has changed quite a lot over the years. Sometimes following human trends, and sometimes lead by scientific discovery.

Early records show dogs were fed sheep bones and barley bread, while in the 18th Century they were given meat stew, lard and grains. Then kibble was created. It was long lasting, convenient, and crammed with grains to bulk it up and keep the cost down. Now, it appears, grains may have been problematic for humans and dogs alike, or at least for some of us.

  • So is it a fad? Perhaps.
  • Does it help with digestion and allergies? In some cases, yes.
  • Is it here to stay? We think so, but, time will tell. 
Five points to consider before making the switch
The benefits of grain free dog food
The issues with grain free dog food