Benefits of grain free dog food

Not all dogs will benefit from a grain free dog food diet, but those who do, often experience the following effects.

Less indigestion and stomach issues

Dogs don’t have a lot of Amylase, the enzyme that breaks down starchy carbohydrates – like grains – so they sit in the stomach and slowly ferment instead. This can cause a range of gastrointestinal issues, so in some cases it’s best to simply remove the grains, and replace them with easier to digest carbohydrates.

Less skin complaints and allergic reactions

Ten percent of all dog allergies are food related, so once again removing the foods that are causing the issue, is a simple solution. Grains appear to be the cause of many allergic reactions, and in grain free dog food they’re replaced with low allergen carbohydrates such as chick peas, potatoes or rice. Another source of allergic reaction is beef and chicken, and most grain free dog foods avoid these proteins too.

More nutritious, balanced diet

Corn, wheat and soy are fairly low in nutritional value, yet they’re plentiful in regular dog foods. By replacing them with a balanced amount of vegetables and protein, your dog can be eating a more nutritional meal, and less of it too.

Shinier and healthier coats

It takes oil, and nutrients to keep a healthy coat on a dog, and there’s more of that in protein than grains. Protein also leads to a stronger coat, reducing shedding.

Increased vitality and energy

Protein delivers energy, it’s as simple as that. Which is why pregnant dogs are often recommended to go onto a grain freed dog food diet too.

Five points to consider before making the switch
The issues with grain free dog food
How to keep a healthy dog